A Podcast About A Friendship Movement
Holy Smokes® is the world’s largest private cigar club and now we’ve taken the message of Faith, Friendship, Fine Tobacco & Drink from our ‘secret’ Facebook group to the world! Listen to hosts Kay Hiramine, Carl Moeller, and Steve Reiter as they have interviews with Holy Smokes members, cigar manufacturers, lounge owners, theologians, influencers, and much more.
Featured Broadcasts
Featured Broadcasts
The Women Of Holy Smokes: Megan Hardre #13
The Godfather of Holy Smokes, Kay Hiramine calls [...]
The John Gilberts Story #55
In the Phil Frasier episode (#53), Phil mentioned a [...]
The Eric Dufour Story #54
If you've been to the Castle Rock group, chances [...]
The Phil Frasier Story #53
Steve met Phil Frasier on one of the first [...]
The Jim Fenlason Story #52
Jim Fenlason may be a self-proclaimed cigar novice, but [...]
The Jody Harlow Story #51
Jody Harlow is an Army chaplain ... he's unmistakable [...]
The Joe Gurzi Story #50
WARNING: The sensitive subject of sexual assault & molestation [...]
The General Kurt Fuller Story #49
General Kurt Fuller is an American hero and a [...]
Thain Electric Boat Company #47
Holy Smoker Rob Smith is looking to change the [...]
The Dave Yancey Story #46
Dave Yancey is a Holy Smokes staple in not [...]
Chapter Feature: Dallas-Ft. Worth #45
If there's one chapter in all of Holy Smokes [...]
The Aaron Brown Story #44
Dr. Aaron Brown is a staple within the Holy [...]
Chapter Feature: Orlando #43
There are a few regional Holy Smokes Chapters that [...]
The Craig Glass Story: Building Men #42
Steve is back recording!! This time he interviews Craig [...]
Update from Steve & Interview #41
In case you didn't hear, host Steve Reiter lost [...]
Building “Passion & Provision” Organizations w/ Michael & Kathryn Redman #40
Many moons ago, Steve met Michael & Kathryn Redman [...]
ACE Prime Cigars w/ Luciano Mierelles
From the moment Kay, Carl, and Steve started talking [...]
Providencia Cigars w/ Jim Faber & Raymond Zinar #38
Holy Smokers Jim Faber and Ray Zinar started Providencia [...]
The Rob Smith Story #37
Rob Smith is a cornerstone of the Holy Smokes [...]
The Wayne Green Story #36
In the Castle Rock Chapter episode, we heard a [...]
35 The Christian Gentleman’s Smoking Companion w/Zach Bartels & Ted Kluck
In the Holy Smokes Motherland, the book "The Christian [...]
The Demetrius Gianopolous Story #34
Anyone that's a regular in Colorado has met Demetrius [...]
The Rawd Jones Story #33
Rawd Jones is new to Holy Smokes, but [...]
Chapter Feature: Castle Rock, CO #32
If you're ever in Colorado on business OR if [...]